Foto dell'apparato DAMA/NaI nel sito sotterraneo dei laboratori
Nazionali del Gran Sasso
Upper level of the installation
Left: Glove box - maintained in Nitrogen atmosphere - for calibrating the
NaI(Tl) detectors avoiding any contact with external environment.
It is in direct contact with the inner copper box by means of 4 copper
pipes. When the calibration sources holders are not inserted 4 copper
bars fill completelythe pipes.
Center: The lateral compensation chamber of the gow-box.
Right: The bottom of the gow-box placed on the top of the
passive shield containing the detectors inside the Cu box.
Inner low level of the installation
Left: The Cu box placed in the center of the passive shield.
The detectors are installed inside it and maintained in HP Nitrogen atmosphere.
Center: The closed Cu box containing the detectors.
Right: Installing the detectors inside the copper box and shield.
View of some detectors in the copper box in progress of installation